ISO 30071-1 in 71 seconds – video summary of the new International Accessibility Standard

Since ISO 30071-1’s launch, many people have asked me to summarise the Standard so they can quickly understand how it may help them in their accessibility work.
Back when we launched the Standard’s predecessor, BS 8878, people really liked the BS 8878 in 88 seconds summary video I created.
So I’ve done the same for the new Standard.
Here is ISO 30071-1 in 71 seconds, as a video or transcript
Want to know more? Find out at ISO 30071-1 digital accessibility Standard – all you need to know.
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Transcript of video
20% of the population of most countries have a disability.
Another 20-25% have accessibility needs due to ageing.
ISO 30071-1 helps you create digital products so this 40-45% of the population can use them.
It helps you embed inclusive design in your organisation – to understand what you have to gain from it and to make it business-as-usual most efficiently
- by embedding it in policies like procurement,
- by getting support from experts,
- and training your teams so they know what to do themselves
It also helps you embed inclusive design in your product development process:
- how the different purposes and audiences of products change the way you do accessibility
- what accessibility guidelines to use when you’re creating mobile apps
- how to make sure technology enablers like CMSes and JavaScript libraries can deliver accessibility
- how to embed accessibility efficiently into your team’s sprint and test planning
- how to prioritise between accessibility fixes when you can’t do everything for everyone
- and how to let users know of any accessibility deficiencies when your product goes live and give them a way of contacting you
Using ISO 30071-1, each member of the team knows what they can do to help make products appeal to the widest possible audience, to uphold your brand values, and minimise any legal risk.
Zel says
Thank you Jonathan. Just wondering- does ISSO 30071-1 replace En301-549 or are they two separate things?
Jonathan Hassell says
Hi Zel. They are two separate things, but they are aligned. EN 301-549 is a procurement standard around accessibility in Europe. ISO 30071-1 is a wider International Standard, which includes advice on how to create accessible ICT systems (websites, mobile apps etc.) as well as procure them. It doesn’t replace the European Standard, but enhances and builds on it.