Find out where you are in your accessibility journey ISO 30071-1 Digital Accessibility
Maturity Scorecard

Reviewing your accessibility strategy?

If you don’t know where you are, how can you plan for where you’re going?

Based on the new ISO 30071-1 standard, discover your organisation’s digital accessibility maturity score today and:

1. Gain clarity on where the gaps are in your accessibility practices. Do your staff & customers know why it is important to you? Have you embedded it across your organisation? Have you set up your site & app development to deliver accessible results?

2. Receive personalised advice based on your result on how to improve your score in each of 9 dimensions of accessibility maturity.

3. Stop wasting your time focusing on the wrong things. Once you gain your results you’ll have a clear plan of action of where to focus and what to prioritise

Discover your score

Hi I’m Jonathan Hassell. I’d like to introduce you to our Digital Accessibility Maturity Scorecard.

The scorecard will give you an overall score of how well your organisation is performing when it comes to digital accessibility. It also gives a score for each of the 9 components which make up accessibilty maturity. So you’ve got:

1. Motivation. This is how well people in your organisation know what benefits you want to get from accessibility. How will it help you meet your goals? What matters to your organisation?

2. Responsibility. Who in your organisation is responsible for making accessibility actually happen?

3. Capability. How well trained are your teams? Are they good at implementing accessibility in your websites and apps?

4. Support. Have you got specialist expertise available to support you in making accessibility happen when it’s beyond your current level of skill?

5. Policies and practice. Do your brand, technology and procurement policies embed accessibility as a requirement?

6. Governance. Do you assess and mitigate accessibility risk in digital products that you develop or procure, before and after launching them?

7. Product Development. Is delivering accessibility embedded efficiently in your software development lifecycle process?

8. Measurement of ROI. How are you measuring the return on your investment in digital accessibility?

And finally, number 9, Innovation. How are you using accessibility to create opportunities for product innovation?

It may seem like a lot, but it really doesn’t take long to fill in the Scorecard. And I promise you it’s worth it!

The Report that you’ll get gives you a score for each of the components, and advice on what you can do to improve your scores.

I hope the Scorecard helps you understand how you’re doing when it comes to delivering accessibility in a consistent and repeatable way. And I look forward to talking with you about how we can help you increase your scores. Thank you.

What people are saying about the scorecard...

  • Definitely worth the time and effort: It's a small investment of time and it's great to get such instant feedback to guide thinking. The recommendations were clear and helpful, and the report is a good way of sharing this within the organisation. It definitely feels that the process is worth the time and effort.
    David Padmore, Director of Acccessibility, ITV
  • A great way to get stakeholder buy-in: The tailored report is a great way to get stakeholder buy-in for accessibility
    Ben Serbutt, Head of Creative, Fat Beehive
  • Triggered a thought process on how we ‘do’ accessibility: The questions are definitely relatable and they triggered a thought process around how we ‘do’ accessibility. It would have been great to have this before we started working on accessibility to show to some of our senior leaders, so I definitely recommend it
    Senior UX & Optimisation Specialist, Multinational photographic company

More about the scorecard

This award-winning assessment helps you to see how well your organisation has the steps in place to deliver digital accessibility efficiently and repeatedly across all your digital sites, apps and tools.

It looks at digital accessibility holistically across 9 dimensions, taken from the ISO 30071-1 Code of practice for creating accessible ICT products and services, which we led the creation of.

After completing the scorecard, you will get an immediate score and a 20 page personalised report explaining your scores, the benefits that would come from improving them, and suggestions for what you should concentrate on next.

Whether you’re just starting out on your accessibility journey, are looking to make your practices more efficient when you’re handling scale, or want to get external proof of your best practice, the scorecard has something for you.