Insights: Blogposts

  • Inclusive design goes mainstream – how could you benefit from it in 2019?

    Media Type: Blogposts

    Happy New Year! It’s the time of year when people look ahead to what they think is going to be important in their part of the digital world this year.…

  • Using Gherkin To Write Accessibility Tests

    Media Type: Blogposts

    How the popular Gherkin language, often used for defining user acceptance test scenarios, and integrates easily with many automation frameworks can be used to write accessibility acceptance tests for WCAG…

  • My favourite accessible accordion pattern

    Media Type: Blogposts

    Accordions are useful components in web pages for temporarily hiding content until it's needed. But is it possible to make an accessible accordion component? Here's an illustrated walkthrough of the code…

  • Get our book on Kindle now

    Media Type: Blogposts

    I'm delighted to announce that our 5 star-reviewed book on embedding accessibility into your business-as-usual processes is now available on Kindle. Those who have read it, love it. So if…

  • Accessibility in developing countries – Insights from Ethiopia

    Media Type: Blogposts

    As part of our company's 10% giving, we have recently been to Ethiopia to raise money for Ethiopiaid. While we were there, we visited the local projects they support to…

  • Routes into accessibility: how our team became experts

    Media Type: Blogposts

    People arrive in accessibility from all sorts of directions. You don’t have to have a background in development, or testing. You could equally arrive from governance, user testing, or marketing.…

  • Thinking of adding festive cheer to your site? Will everyone appreciate your Christmas plugin?

    Media Type: Blogposts

    Christmas is coming fast. So how does Santa relate to accessibility? The Christmasify WordPress plugin allows web sites to add a selection of Christmassy items: snowfall, Santa on his sledge…

  • WCAG 2.1 is here – what’s in it for you?

    Media Type: Blogposts

    WCAG 2.1 has now been published. Many people are talking about what’s in it. But the more important question is: what’s in it for you? Here's a background to why…