Welcome to HiHub

HiHub is your home for exclusive access to free accessibility resources, tips and tools from Hassell Inclusion.

Registration gives you access to over 39 hours of bite-size accessibility knowledge – almost 5 free days of video training, on subjects like:

  • Understanding WCAG 2.2’s changes & implications for your organisation
  • How to get buy-in for accessibility within your organisation
  • How to Accelerate & Prioritise Your 2024 Accessibility Plan
  • Live Accessibility Audit Demonstration
  • Workplace inclusion: digital accessibility in your employees’ lifecycle
  • and the forthcoming Trends in Accessibility in 2024

Check out our On Demand Webinar Archive to see what you could learn today.

HiHub and the HiHub logo are trademarks of Hassell Inclusion.

HiHub Core Membership is Free

As well as the On Demand Webinar Archive, HiHub gives you access to a range of accessibility tools and downloads.

There’s something to help you, whether you are:

  • a Diversity & Inclusion advocate
  • the Head of Accessibility for your organisation
  • a Product, Project or Campaign manager
  • a Developer, Designer or Tester in a team creating websites and apps, or
  • a Content Author creating documents, social media, emails or PDF


If you’ve only got 1 hour a month to improve your digital accessibility knowledge, spend it with us! Digital Accessibility Experts Live

Come and join us at our free monthly webinar:

Upcoming webinars:

  • 29th August 2024, 4pm – ‘Ask me anything’: Q&A with Jonathan Hassell
  • 26th September 2024, 4pm – ‘There’s more to accessibility than WCAG’